Monday, July 28, 2008

New Addition to the Family

Mint Chip Blizzards’ will make any baby’s cheeks chubby!


jackie said...

ah piper! i want to cry that i can't hold you! i hate that we live away from each other! sisters shouldn't have to! can't wait to suck on her cheeks.... and heck ha i hope she had 3 blizzards a day.

Bekah: said...

she is adorable, i see some meagan in her! lucky girl! and who wouldn't want mint chip blizzards? it must mean she is extra sweet!

Traci said...

Congratulations, she is a cutie. She looks like she could have been one of my chubby little babies. I love them that way. There is more ot love.

Rhiannon said...

congratulations, she is beautiful.

DeWitts said...

What a cutie! I love love her name! I always wanted a girl name piper. Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys you have such a cute family!